Opus Group Ramp Team Helps a Special Kid

We recently partnered with our Opus Group Ramp Team to help a very special kid named Cali.

Cali is 12 years old and has intractable epilepsy with an average of six seizures a day. We built a wheelchair ramp for Cali two years ago. Her parents reached back out to us with another request – if they were able to raise the funds for the materials, would our volunteers build a large deck and ramp extension so Cali can spend more time outside?

Our incredible volunteers enthusiastically took on this second project. Cali made a drawing that her mom then turned into a thank you card for our volunteers (see the picture!).

Cali’s parents said, “We’ve been rebuilding our lives the best we can given her medical condition. The wheelchair access ramp has been a life-saving project that Cali has been able to use each day to go outside via her unstable walking abilities with assistance or sitting in the wheelchair.”

We are grateful to our amazing Opus Group Ramp Team for helping Cali and her family!