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Rebuilding Together Minnesota In The News

Revitalizing Homes Starts with Fishing

Minnesota Bound shares stories from the great outdoors, and showcases how folks can support our work by participating in  our ongoing fishing tournament – Hook, Line, Shelter…

Volunteers Restore Single Mother’s Home

Melissa Ponce’s home was in dire need of some help, but as a single mother, she was too busy taking care of her kids. The group “Rebuilding Together Minnesota” received her application and set out to help restore her home, which is older than Windom itself…

Rebuilding Together Minnesota Helps Windom Homeowner

The third time’s the charm for Rebuilding Together Minnesota as they finish making landscaping repairs to a Windom home on Friday and Saturday, with help from Owatonna-based landscaping company Groundsmaster…

Cottonwood County Disperses Housing Funds

Affordable housing in Cottonwood County will receive a bit of a boost following Tuesday’s Cottonwood County Commissioners meeting. The board discussed the $88,440 in affordable housing grant money the county has received already from the state, with another $88,440 coming next year.

Increasing the Safety Factor for our Seniors

If you know of an elderly homeowner that may need help, a local organization can provide tools and assistance.  Rebuilding Together Minnesota executive director Kathryn Greiner tells us how their “Safe at Home” program is lending that helping hand.

Announcements & Updates

Casting a Safety Net for Stable Housing
Unlocking Minnesota’s Housing Gap
Jackson Project Day Organized and Executed by Local Volunteer
Honeywell Team Builds Ramp for 17-Year-Old
Collaborating to Help a Veteran in Need

Thoughts From The Director

Unlocking Minnesota’s Housing Gap

Access to safe and affordable housing is vital for Minnesota families and community well-being. However, with a lack of housing inventory. Adding housing stock, and skyrocketing prices, this continues to be one the biggest challenges for our state... READ MORE

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