Staff and Volunteer Highlight: Silva and Ethan Helmer

Many of you may have already had the pleasure of meeting or speaking with Silva Helmer, who joined our staff as Office Manager in early 2015 and has quickly become an invaluable asset to the Rebuilding Together Team.  We have also been fortunate to have her teenage son, Ethan, work with us as a volunteer.  Ethan is passionate about robots and his team, the Como Cougears, recently competed at the 10,000 Lakes Regional with their robot BEASTBot.  Rebuilding Together is proud to support Ethan and his team and loaned some of our tools to the team.  Unfortunately, the team lost in a nail-biting tiebreaker round; however, BEASTBot’s Marketing Group took home the sought-after Entrepreneurship Award, and the team will advance to the State Tournament on May 21st at Williams Arena.  We are grateful for the hard work and dedication of Silva and Ethan and are proud to support this team! Congratulations!

The Opus Group Gives Back

On Friday, April 22nd, we partnered with volunteers from The Opus Group to provide repairs for three low-income homeowners and needed renovations to the Boys and Girls Club.

One of the homeowners we helped was Carter, who has lived in his home for 59 years. In 2008 while training for the World Masters Track Championship in Paris, Carter suffered a massive heart attack. It left him deprived of oxygen for 10 minutes. This caused significant motor impairments and speech difficulties. He now uses a rolling walker and has multiple grab bars placed throughout his home to ensure safety in areas where his rolling walker is not accessible. Carter gets out in the community whenever he can, and he looks forward to continuing to be active in his home and community. Volunteers worked on constructing a ramp, painted several rooms, and organized the basement. We also provided several contractor-delivered repairs to Carter’s home, including installing a new electrical box, mast, track/task lighting, motion light and flat surface non-open flame electric stove.

Volunteers also made repairs for Erskine and Beverly, who raised 13 children in their home.  Beverly and Erskine are retired, active in their church and frequently take care of their grandchildren.  They both have medical issues that prevent them from moving around easily, and their home needed several repairs and modifications so they can remain in their home for years to come. Volunteers worked to rebuild basement steps, build low-rise steps, paint the interior, seal the foundation, and clean-up vines in the gutters.  We were also able to repair plumbing at the home.

In addition, we helped Yvonne and Charles, who built their Saint Paul home in 1986. They love their home and are proud of the fact that they have made their own modifications. However, they needed help preparing for Yvonne’s mother, who will be moving into the home in the spring. Yvonne’s mother is an amputee and uses a motorized wheelchair. Volunteers worked to construct a wheelchair ramp, repair siding, and started to convert their tub into a walk-in shower.

Finally, volunteers provided needed renovations to the Boys and Girls Club, including painting the gym, redesigning and decorating the Discovery Room and recarpeting the Teen Room.

We are incredibly grateful for the support of The Opus Group and the hard work of their volunteers!  Together, we have made a meaningful difference for three families in need and the youth served by the Boys and Girls Club.

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