Volunteers from Honeywell and Robbinsdale Cooper High School Repair Home of Air Force Veteran

On Thursday, October 11th, we partnered with 50 volunteers from Honeywell and the Robbinsdale Cooper High School football team to make repairs to the home of a 57-year-old Air Force veteran named William and his wife, Sharon.  William and Sharon have taken good care of their modest home, but it is prone to flooding.  William lost his job as a painter last year and wasn’t able to flood-proof the home on his own.  The Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans referred William and Sharon to Rebuilding Together Twin Cities for help.  Volunteers created a French drain, installed a new paver sidewalk, repaired the deck and installed a new basement ceiling.  They also painted the living room, dining room, basement and kitchen cupboards and power-washed the exterior of the home.

This project marks the 17th completed locally through Rebuilding Together Twin Cities’ partnership with Honeywell.  Thank you to Honeywell and Robbinsdale Cooper High School for your continued commitment to helping homeowners in need in our community!

Volunteers from Honeywell and Robbinsdale Cooper High School Make a Difference at the Oliver H. Kelley Farm

On May 17th, we partnered with more than 200 volunteers from Honeywell and Robbinsdale Cooper High School who descended on the Oliver H. Kelley Farm in Elk River to jump-start a major landscape restoration project.  The Kelley Farm is both a National Historic Landmark and Minnesota Historical Society site.  Volunteers replaced nearly a mile of fencing, cleared brush from 2.5 miles of trails, and repaired, built and painted 40 picnic tables.

“The landscape restoration project is something we would not have been able to do without this massive infusion of volunteers,” said Bob Quist, Oliver H. Kelley Farm historical site manager. “Fencing was the most labor-intensive activity for a farmer in the 19th century. This project gave volunteers a taste of history – and the satisfaction of work that will have a long-term impact on the community and the thousands of people who visit the farm every year.”

The project was the culmination of a year-long partnership between Honeywell and the high school’s Cooper Cares program, which challenges its student body to complete 10,000 hours of community service. Thousands of hours of student volunteer work, which also included an elementary school reading program and food shelf drive, were completed in partnership with Honeywell and its Honeywell Hometown Solutions corporate citizenship initiative.  This project also marks the 16th project completed locally through Rebuilding Together Twin Cities’ partnership with Honeywell.

Thank you to Honeywell and Robbinsdale Cooper High School for making this project a huge success!