We Are Hiring!

We are hiring a full-time Construction Coordinator for the Twin Cities Metro!

The Construction Coordinator will work with our Program Manager to plan and oversee work on various programs and the related projects throughout the year. This will include planning the details of the project work scope through to final reporting. This role will also include hands-on supervision of volunteer individuals and/or team(s) on certain project days. The Construction Coordinator will perform home modification and repairs, post-work evaluations to ensure work is complete and well done, and coordinate any follow-up work needed. The Construction Coordinator will work as part of our team to increase our capacity, efficiency and quality of services.

The full position description is available HERE.

Interested candidates should email a cover letter and resume to k.greiner@rtmn.org. The position will be open until filled.

Welcome to Josiah!

Please join us as we welcome our Southwest Construction Coordinator Josiah Bargen to the Rebuilding Together Team! Josiah is a trained teacher who grew up in a construction family with a father and two brothers who have continued to work in the business. He will help our Southwest Program Manager and AmeriCorps member with planning, managing, and completing home repair and accessibility modification projects in our Southwest Minnesota region. He said, “While I’ve picked up a few things over the years, I certainly hope to learn all I can from them (my family), as well as everyone at RTMN, as I pivot to making this my primary work! It is good to work with one’s head and one’s hands!” Josiah is also passionate about building bridges between urban and rural areas to foster understanding and connectedness. We are excited to have him on our team!

We Are in the News!

Check out this informative piece in Forbes by Jamie Gold, CKD, CAPS, MCCWC – Wellness Design Consultant and Author about a new report from Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies stressing the need for home modifications to support aging-in-place! The article includes information about our work to rehabilitate aging housing stock and provide much-needed accessibility modifications for low-income homeowners. Thank you to Jamie Gold for highlighting our work!

You can access the article here.

Our expansion into Pipestone County and work in Southwest Minnesota was also recently highlighted in the Pipestone County Star. Thank you to the Pipestone County Star for helping us spread the word about our work in Southwest Minnesota!

You can access the article here.

Rebuilding Together Minnesota Featured in Forbes Article

Check out this informative piece in the Real Estate Section of Forbes by Jamie Gold, CKD, CAPS, MCCWC – Wellness Design Consultant and Author about a new report from Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies stressing the need for home modifications to support aging-in-place!

The article includes information about our work to rehabilitate aging housing stock and provide much-needed accessibility modifications for low-income homeowners.

Thank you to Jamie Gold for highlighting our work!