Mark Your Calendars for our Hook, Line, & Shelter Fishing Tournament

Calling all anglers! Our third annual Hook, Line, & Shelter Fishing Tournament kicks off on Saturday, May 13th.

This event will run from May 13th through Labor Day. Fishing participation requires registration, and the proceeds will support our efforts to ensure that everyone in our community has a safe and healthy place to call home!

Stay tuned for more information on how to register and join the fun!

Congratulations to Annette Rodriguez on her Retirement!

Please join us as we congratulate our Development Director Annette Rodriguez on her upcoming retirement!

Annette has been our Development Director for six years, overseeing a number of fundraising events and efforts. Most recently, she oversaw our Making Home Happen Campaign, which raised more than $1.5M to expand our capacity to serve people in need in our community!

Our Executive Director Kathy Greiner said, “Annette’s leadership and expertise in fundraising have been instrumental to our fundraising success and growth as an organization. We will miss having her on our team. Congratulations!”

Annette has been involved with Rebuilding Together Minnesota for more than 15 years and has served on our Board of Directors. She has 25+ years of experience in fundraising, working for Lifetrack, Augustana Care, Lutheran Social Service, and more before joining our team. She has been a critical ambassador for our organization for many years. We are very grateful for her passion, hard work, and advocacy. Best of luck on this next chapter Annette!