Meet Our New Office Manager!

We are thrilled to welcome Silva Helmer as our Office Manager!  Silva has extensive experience in accounting and bookkeeping, as well as with performing intake and processing applications for nonprofit organizations.  She holds a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Saint Cloud University. Silva has three children, including two teenage boys (Ethan and Elliot) and a 6-year-old girl (Elise, who is sometimes known as the Pink Princess of Langford Park).  Silva and her husband, Clayton, and have lived in the Twin Cities for 16 years. She enjoys singing (mostly in the church choir) and cooking (usually something sweet).  Please join us in welcoming Silva to the Rebuilding Together Twin Cities team!

You’re Invited to our Letter-Palooza!

Please join us for a Letter-Palooza on Wednesday, March 18th from 5:30 pm until 8 pm at our office (1050 SE 33rd Ave. Minneapolis)!

What is it?

Enjoy snacks, beverages and music, while volunteering in a fun and unique way, all while raising money for Rebuilding Together Twin Cities! Over the course of the night, socialize with staff, board members, donors, volunteers and homeowners as we send letters to each of our contacts on behalf of Rebuilding Together Twin Cities to build support and generate resources for our upcoming build season!

How does it work?

Just come with a list of about 20 contacts to whom you can mail our fundraising letter and bring your beverage of choice to share.  Before the party, edit your letters (two options are available here). Print your letters and bring them to the party, where you’ll stuff them while partying with our fellow Rebuilding Together Twin Cities friends. We will provide the envelopes, brochures and postage.  For every 10 names you bring, you’ll receive one ticket to enter our door prize drawing!


Thanks To….

St. Paul College and Carpentry Program Instructor, Perry Franzen, who have been instrumental in helping complete a number of projects recently.

Ryan Karis of Ryan N. Karis Residential Construction, who has been working as our technical expert for the last nine months.  Ryan is easy going and great with volunteers, and we are thankful for his expertise on our projects!

Stephen Ivancic, Mariette Cole & Wesley Anderson who volunteer almost every Friday for Safe at Home projects. This amazing team takes initiative, and they’re knowledgeable and reliable.

Partnership Spotlight: Saint Catherine University’s Occupational Therapy Program

We want to highlight one of our long-time partners, Saint Catherine University’s Occupational Therapy program.  We have an established partnership with this program through which we collaborate on service-learning projects that involve graduate occupational therapy (OT) students evaluating the homes of low-income older adults and individuals living with a disability. The students make  for safety and making recommendations for safety and modifications designed to reduce the risk of falls and other injuries. Our volunteers then make the modifications that are within the scope of our programs.  This partnership provides students with a hands-on learning experience that enables them to directly work with low-income clients who are older adults or are living with a disability and. It also provides the homeowners we help with more comprehensive accessibility modification services that are truly tailored to their individual needs.

With the support of a grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services, we recently expanded our partnership with Saint Catherine University to create and implement an assessment tool in order to measure the effectiveness of our services and adjust them, as needed, to better align with the needs of our clients.

We would like to recognize Catherine Sullivan, Ph.D., OTR/L and Associate Professor, who has been instrumental in the development and cultivation of this relationship.  She recently said of our Program Director, Tony Sjogren, “Thanks again for all your time and positive energy. Students could see your passion for helping people who are under-served in the community and clearly were moved to do the same.”

We are proud of this partnership with Saint Catherine University and look forward to continuing to our work together to help low-income homeowners who are older adults or are living with a disability age-in-place successfully and live more safely and independently in their homes!