St. Kate’s Graduate Student Publishes Thesis Showing Impact of Safe at Home Program

We are extremely proud of our long-standing partnership with the Saint Catherine University’s graduate Occupational Therapy program.  This partnership focuses on providing safety and accessibility modifications for low-income homeowners who are older adults or individuals living with a disability, so they can live more safely and independently in their own homes.  Through this partnership, we expanded our evaluation of our Accessibility programs last year and found that our home modification interventions resulted in measurable improvements to the quality of life, safety, independence and overall well-being of both the senior homeowner and their caregivers.  This pilot assessment focused on 15 low-income senior homeowners and used both quantitative and qualitative (primarily interview) tools.

According to the study’s author, Melody Oaks, statistical analysis showed significant improvements in occupational participation in valued daily activities, decreased fear of falling and a decrease in the risk of long-term care placement.  She states, “The positive findings suggest that home modifications involving occupational therapists can improve occupational participation and safety for low-income older adult homeowners. Qualitative results revealed themes of increased independence and accessibility, improved community relationships and occupational activities, and increased hope to remain aging in place.”  She also notes that the home modifications relieved the burden and stress of caregivers.  Bernice, one of the clients in the study who received a ramp, said “I just hop in the wheelchair and buzz down the ramp. There’s no heavy lifting for Scott. [her husband.]”

This study demonstrates the tangible and immediate positive impact on the seniors we were able to serve and their caregivers.

You can read Melody’s entire study here.

Thank You for Donating through Thrivent Choice®

We recently received funding from Thrivent Choice®, and we are very grateful for this support!

All 2016 Choice Dollars have been made available for members to direct, so we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you about Thrivent Choice® and the positive impact that can be made by directing Choice Dollars to Rebuilding Together Twin Cities.  If you are an eligible member, please consider us when directing Choice Dollars.

As a reminder, 2016 Choice Dollars expire on March 31.

To learn more about Thrivent Choice®, visit and thank you again for supporting us through Thrivent Choice®!


Thanks To…

Coldwell Banker Burnet, who recently surprised us with a donation, for their recent contribution, partnership and support over the years.

Sponsor Highlight: Wells Fargo

Rebuilding Together Twin Cities began partnering with Wells Fargo in 2009. Since then, 660 employee volunteers have contributed 4,412 hours of volunteer service towards 32 home and community center repair projects. This is equivalent to two years and two months of work done by a contractor and a total value of over $110,000.

Last fall, we recognized this tremendous contribution from Wells Fargo with our Community Builder Award. Kathy Greiner, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together Twin Cities, said of our partnership, “Wells Fargo’s support, dedication and the enthusiasm their many employees bring to our home renovation projects, gives hope and life back to the many families and homeowners that they have helped throughout the year.”

Thank you to Wells Fargo for your commitment and support of our efforts to help low-income homeowners and neighborhoods! We look forward to continuing our partnership!