Rebuilding Together Connects Neighbors

We recently partnered with Cambric Senior Living Residents and other volunteers to create a garden for Cambric’s residents.

The project was initiated by Milan Mockovak, an avid gardener for over 60 years and resident of Cambric Senior Living, who sought permission from the City of Saint Paul to utilize a vacant lot for a gardening adventure. The City agreed, but with the caveat that there was to be no digging in the ground. That was fine with Milan because he and the group of potential gardeners from among the Cambric tenants are in agreement that they prefer raised beds. Not only do they offer a more comfortable height for gardening, but each bed can also be an individualized garden.

Rebuilding Together Twin Cities partnered with several Cambric residents and the Saint Patrick’s Youth Group from Chicago to build raised garden beds, install hay bale gardens and complete some mulching projects around the facility.

Milan said of this project, “One of the reasons I wanted to build these gardens was that I wanted to get people out of their apartments and talking with each other.” He went on to say, “not only have I met other residents from Cambric who I have never met, but people from the neighborhood as well.”

We are proud that our efforts are connecting neighbors and fostering relationships in this community. Thank you to everyone who came together to make this project possible!