Thank You to Otto Bremer!

We would like to send a huge thank you to the Otto Bremer Foundation for providing us with an operating grant to expand our capacity to provide the critical repair and accessibility modification services needed for low-income families to live independently in safe and healthy homes. We are very grateful for your support!

Otto Bremer Trust Awards Grant to Rebuilding Together Twin Cities

We are thrilled to announce that the Otto Bremer Trust has awarded Rebuilding Together Twin Cities a $60,000 grant. This grant will enhance our ability to serve more of the 300 individuals currently on the waiting list, ensuring they have safe and secure homes to live in. The grant will be used to complete projects including building new ramps for disabled veterans returning to their homes, replacing old carpet for senior citizens to lessen the chance of possible falls, and purchasing the materials needed to replace a leaky roof.

“Without the continued support of the Otto Bremer Trust, we could not continue to grow our presence in the Twin Cities community,” said Kathy Greiner, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together Twin Cities. “This grant will allow us to serve more individuals in the community, ensuring their homes are safe and healthy.”

This grant is part of the 7.4 million dollars given by the Otto Bremer Trust across the upper Midwest this year.  Otto Bremer Trust is a Saint Paul-based private charitable trust established in 1944 that owns 92 percent of Bremer Bank and also manages a diversified investment portfolio.