Our Jackson County Rebuilding Day will be held on June 3, 2023! We plan to engage 35-40 volunteers to provide interior and exterior repairs for 4-5 families focused on ensuring the home is safe and healthy. For example, one of the homeowners we plan to assist is a low-income senior who has been told by her insurance company that they will discontinue her coverage if she does not replace her roof, a costly repair that she cannot afford on her fixed income.
Thanks to the sponsors who have already committed to supporting our Jackson County Rebuilding Day, including Odell Windfarm, Jackson Community Foundation, Federated Rural Electric Trust, Southwest Area Initiative, West Central Association of Realtors/Lee Porter, and Jackson Kiwanis.
If you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring our Jackson County Rebuilding Day, please contact Galen at g.kauffman@rtmn.org.