Join our team and serve a year with us as an AmeriCorps member! Rebuilding Together CapacityCorps is a National Direct AmeriCorps program with AmeriCorps members serving 11 months at Rebuilding Together affiliates around the country. Members help improve the lives of their neighbors in need through hands-on home repairs and community outreach, while earning a living stipend and an education award to help with educational expenses.
We are hiring two AmeriCorps members: AmeriCorps Project Coordinator and AmeriCorps Volunteer Engagement Coordinator. Check out the position descriptions and apply through the links below:
AmeriCorps Project Coordinator
AmeriCorps Volunteer Engagement Coordinator
The program was recently changed to allow for part-time and full-time options!
Full-time members will earn a stipend of $19,008 and an Education Award of $6,345 upon completion of the term.
Capacity building AmeriCorps members with Rebuilding Together Minnesota (also called CapacityCorps) will serve crucial roles in the Minneapolis/St. Paul region. We’re a great team, doing great work in the community! Join us to make a difference, gain valuable career skills, and earn money for your education!