Welcome to our New Accessibility Program Manager & Volunteer Engagement Coordinator!

We are thrilled to welcome Jacob Ames as our new Accessibility Program Manager & Volunteer Engagement Coordinator!

As a CapacityCorps member last year, Jacob learned a lot about Rebuilding Together, construction, and the general flow of a work site and the organization. With a year of experience, he hopes to help guide the incoming CapacityCorps members, as well as streamline and improve the Safe at Home program.

Jacob participated in the CapacityCorps alumni event Building a Healthier Neighborhood hosted by Rebuilding Together Baltimore in September and learned about how other affiliates run their operations. Rebuilding Together Twin Cities is one of the larger affiliates, and he sees a lot of exciting opportunities to help more homeowners, engage more volunteers, and revitalize more neighborhoods.

“Rebuilding Together and CapacityCorps helped me a lot in terms of guiding my post-college career. I am more than excited to continue working with Rebuilding Together Twin Cities and helping more homeowners in need in the metro Twin Cities.”

Wells Fargo Gives 1600 Hours to Help 12 Families in Need

This summer, we have been hard at work with volunteers from Wells Fargo to help homeowners in need have safer and healthier homes. We are thrilled to share that through this partnership, more than 200 volunteers have given over 1,600 to help 12 families!

Wells Fargo is proud of its 132 year commitment to helping build resilient communities through financial contributions and team member engagement. This year, Wells Fargo is celebrating 20 years of the Housing Foundation Team Member Volunteer Program that matches team member sweat equity with a financial contribution to build and rehab homes. “Being involved in Rebuilding Together Twin Cities is the best way I can make a significant impact and prevent homelessness in my community. I’m thankful to work for an employer that values my time and community leadership,” said Julia Carlson, Wells Fargo team member and Rebuilding Together Twin Cites Board Member. Through the TMVP program, Wells Fargo contributed $80,000 this year, and team members volunteered 1,600 hours to rehab 12 homes.

We are very grateful to Wells Fargo for their continued commitment to supporting our work to ensure that low-income homeowners can remain in their own homes and neighborhoods!

Share Your Photos!

In honor of our 20th Anniversary, we are hosting a social media photo contest! Please share your photos and memories of Rebuilding Together Twin Cities from the past 20 years on Facebook or Twitter.

Two photos will be selected each month to win a movie night package (DVD Blue Ray Combos and snacks)! Winners will be chosen based on the following themes each month:

September – Volunteering at projects

October – Volunteer and homeowner interaction

Join us in looking back and celebrating how far we have come as we commemorate our 20th Anniversary! Winning entries will be displayed at the Flannel Fling on October 26th!