Thanks To…

North Central University – Built a ramp for a homeowner living with a disability in Saint Paul, repainted a garage in Minneapolis, and helped paint a mural and provided some much-needed upkeep at our office.

Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce – Volunteered at the Real Estate Owned (REO) project in Columbia Heights on October 29th.

Tom Wendt, instructor at Jennings CLC, a charter school serving at risk youth in St. Paul – Led groups of his students on two Safe at Home projects, as well as a build at the Columbia Heights REO property.

Perry Franzen, instructor at Saint Paul College carpentry program – Led his class in installing 14 new windows on one of our projects.

North Central University’s Community Outreach Day

On October 7th, we hosted students from North Central University for their Community Outreach Day.  Volunteers built a ramp for a homeowner living with a disability in Saint Paul, repainted a garage in Minneapolis, and helped paint a mural and provided some much-needed upkeep at our office.  We appreciate the hard work of the North Central volunteers and look forward to working with you again in the future!