Voting is open for Rebuilding Together’s Tradesperson of the Year! Vote at
Thanks To….
Our amazing Safe at Home volunteers who made home safety and accessibility modifications for four homeowners in need this month! We’d like to give a special shout out to David L’allier, Ethan Gorton and Kelly Bandman who were the first volunteers to participate in our Saturday Safe at Home projects!
Our dedicated volunteers from the Honeywell Retired Volunteers Program, who regularly build and install ramps for homeowners in need. The homeowner they helped last month said in his thank you, “You have no idea how that ramp has made it so much easier for LaVonne and I in just these few days. I will keep in touch. THANKS AGAIN.”
Alex from the Timberwolves who held the pole for the basketball hoop in place for an hour until the concrete arrived on their project day!