Introducing – A New Way to Help Those in Need

We are positively thrilled to announce the launch of, the first crowdfunding and crowd volunteering site specifically for Minnesota nonprofit projects!

Here’s how it works:  Nonprofits submit the stories of their clients who are in need of something specific.  For example, if a wounded vet was in need of a handicap ramp, Rebuilding Together could submit the story, the need, the cost, and the number of volunteers required to complete the project.  Like Kickstarter, the project would only get funded if the entire amount is donated.  Projects have 90 days or less to reach their tipping point.

The idea of Barnraisings came about a year ago when Jim Rettew won the 2012 Minnesota Idea Open with his idea of “Multicultural Barn Raisings.”  The idea received a $15,000 grant for implementation (in partnership with Rebuilding Together), which supported the development of an online tool to match volunteers with “barn raising” projects. is an independent evolution of that initial idea that embodies the spirit of coming together like a good ole fashion Amish barn raising.  People want to give to people.  They want to have a deeper, more meaningful, and more direct connection to the people they’re helping.  Barnraisings helps them do that.

Check out our homeowner stories at – a new innovative way to connect your generosity to the people and stories that speak to you!

Introducing – A New Way to Help Those in Need

Kickstarter is cool, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could crowdfund something more consequential than smartphone robots and solar armbands?  Now we can, right here in Minnesota.

Launching today, is the first crowdfunding and crowd volunteering site specifically for Minnesota nonprofit projects, and Rebuilding Together Twin Cities is proud to be one of the first nonprofits to utilize this site.

Here’s how it works:  Nonprofits submit the stories of their clients who are in need of something specific.  For example, if a wounded vet was in need of a handicap ramp, Rebuilding Together could submit the story, the need, the cost, and the number of volunteers required to complete the project.  Like Kickstarter, the project would only get funded if the entire amount is donated.  Projects have 90 days or less to reach their tipping point.

The idea of Barnraisings came about a year ago when Jim Rettew won the 2012 Minnesota Idea Open with his idea of “Multicultural Barn Raisings.”  The idea received a $15,000 grant for implementation (in partnership with Rebuilding Together), which supported the development of an online tool to match volunteers with “barn raising” projects. is an independent evolution of that initial idea that embodies the spirit of coming together like a good ole fashion Amish barn raising.  People want to give to people.  They want to have a deeper, more meaningful, and more direct connection to the people they’re helping.  Barnraisings helps them do that.

Check out our homeowner stories at – a new innovative way to connect your generosity to the people and stories that speak to you!


Rebuilding Together Twin Cities Partnering with Recipient of Idea Open Project Grant

We are very excited to announce that we were selected as the non-profit partner of Jim Rettew, who recently received a grant through the Idea Open Project to organize a “barn raising” that allows people of all skills and abilities and from different cultures to work alongside each other.  Jim submitted his idea for this project to the Idea Open Challenge III, and the public was asked to vote on which project they thought should receive $15,000 in grant support.  Out of 600 entries, Jim’s received the most votes!  Jim’s full proposal is available here.  After finding out his idea was selected, Jim reached out to us to help plan and implement his project.  We are planning to complete Jim’s project this spring, so please stay tuned for more details!

The Idea Open Challenge III: Working Together Across Cultures and Faiths is made possible by One Nation and three affiliates of Minnesota Philanthropy Partners: Minnesota Community Foundation, Multicultural Endowment and Facing Race. Learn more at and