Thanks to Lowe’s!

We would like to send a special thank you to Lowe’s for providing us with funding to build a ramp for a veteran in need! This grant was part of their annual Kickoff to Rebuild partnership with Rebuilding Together, Inc., and Lowe’s provided grants to affiliates located in the hometown of an NFL team, including Rebuilding Together Minnesota!

With the support provided by Lowe’s, we helped Richard and Aimee in the Nokomis neighborhood. Richard and Aimee both live with physical disabilities and needed a ramp to be able to remain in the home and community where they have lived for nearly 25 years. Our incredible Ramp Team constructed a ramp at their home, and Aimee said, “Bless you all. Dick can now get me in and out of the house by himself. I can go to my doctor and the grocery store and visit and get out to play cards again.”

Thank you to Lowe’s and our Ramp Team!

Thanks to Lowe’s!

like to send a thank you to Lowe’s for providing us with a $5,000 grant towards
materials for upcoming projects.  Thank
you for your continued support of our work to help homeowners in need live in
safe and healthy homes!

Lowe’s Supports Critical Repairs for a Family in Need

We recently received a grant from Lowe’s, which we used to provide accessibility modifications and critical repairs for a low-income family in South Minneapolis.  The homeowner had suffered a traumatic fall and ended up with a broken neck, broken arm, and many contusions. He spent quite some time recovering in the hospital/rehabilitation facility, but could not come home until the home was modified to make it accessible. Specifically, he needed an exterior ramp and modifications made to the bathroom.  With the support provided by Lowe’s and the hard work of our volunteers, we were able to build the ramp and modify the interior of the home so the homeowner can return home and live safely and independently in his own home and neighborhood.