Moving On

Our Development Officer Brent Suski has moved on to a new position as a Project Manager with the U.S. Green Building Council.  As many of you know, Brent started with Rebuilding Together as an AmeriCorps member, joining our staff full-time as a Program Manager and then ultimately moving into his most recent position as our Development Officer.  Brent’s knowledge, enthusiasm and dedication will be missed.  He plans to continue his involvement with Rebuilding Together as a volunteer and we look forward to continuing to have him contribute to our work.  Please join us in congratulating Brent and wishing him well on this next chapter!

How We Help Seniors

The news that Americans are living longer won’t come as surprise to anyone. According to the Administration on Aging, the number of people over 65 in the U.S. has increased by 27.7% between 2004 and 2014. As of 2014, Minnesota’s senior population totaled about 780,142.  Search the news and it’s easy to find a multitude of discussions about how the growing population of older adults affects healthcare, social services and the economy. Housing is not left out of the discussion. One facet of this topic is the concept of aging in place or the ability for older adults to remain in their homes at an advanced age. To many staying in their home, a comforting and familiar environment is preferable to relocating to a relative’s house or assisted living facilities such as nursing homes. Living out their later years in the home they own allows them to preserve dignity and dollars.

As they grow older, some seniors may become less capable of performing the basic home maintenance needed to maintain a healthy living environment. Minnesota Compass reports that Minnesotans in the age range of 65-74 years old have a disability rate of 20%. For people past the age of 74, this rate continues to increase dramatically. Disabilities make staying on top of basic home care such as cleaning gutters, painting and weatherproofing extremely difficult.  The same goes for safety precautions like maintaining functional smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Even moving around the home can be unsafe and areas of the house that they were once able to reach can become inaccessible.

For many older adults, these challenges are compounded by poverty.  Statewide, there are approximately 58,510 seniors living below the poverty line. AARP reports that roughly 3 in 10 Minnesotans ages 65 or older rely solely on Social Security for their income. Living on fixed incomes and dealing with the mounting medical expenses that can occur as one grows older can prohibit seniors from hiring people to perform home maintenance for them. Sometimes family members are able to step in and help, but there are plenty of instances where they are unwilling or unable to do so.

Rebuilding Together Twin Cities works with a large clientele of seniors. Rebuilding Together is able to do those basic but critical tasks that low-income clients can’t physically do or afford to hire a traditional business to do for them, including everything from giving a home a fresh coat of paint to installing a new roof.  Rebuilding Together’s Safe at Home program addresses the issue of safety by adapting the home to meet the needs of the residents who are older adults or are living with a disability. For seniors in need, the installation of grab bars, railings, and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can make all the difference. Aging in place shouldn’t mean aging without help. This is one of the reasons Rebuilding Together Twin Cities exists. If you know of an older adult homeowner in need, please don’t hesitate to refer them to us.  For more information, please visit

This story was written by Kyle Sharp, a former AmeriCorps member with Rebuilding Together Twin Cities.

Neighborhood LIFT in Lincoln Park

This month, we completed our second community beautification project in partnership with Wells Fargo’s LIFT program!  On October 10th, we partnered with volunteers from Wells Fargo to improve Lincoln Park in North Minneapolis. The team worked on a new drainage system, painting playground equipment and cleaning up trash.  These are the first steps towards the goal of making this black top park a place where the community can gather.  Check out this article from KTSP about this project.  Thank you to Wells Fargo for your continued partnership!

Thanks To…

Gray Plant Moody – Volunteers partnered with us on October 14th at Avenues for Homeless Youth to work on a basketball sport court.

Builders Association of the Twin Cities – We appreciate your efforts to continue to help a former Marine and his family with critical repairs to their home.