Wells Fargo Repairs Three Homes

Thanks to Wells Fargo and more than 100 employee volunteers who joined us earlier this month to provide repairs for three low-income families in our community.  One of the families we assisted, Jim and Sai, worked side-by-side with the volunteers to repair their Saint Paul home.  Volunteers from Wells Fargo installed over 80 feet of gutter and 150 feet of connected drain tile to help control and repair damage caused by erosion at the home.  Volunteers also painted two rooms and laid new flooring in another room.

In addition, we removed and replaced 11 windows and constructed a handicap-accessible ramp to enable Silvia and David to live more independently and safely in their home. Volunteers also painted the living room, the dining room, and the window trim.

We are very grateful to Wells Fargo for their continued support and investment in our community!

Honeywell and Cooper High School Students Revitalize Weida Park in Saint Paul

On May 7th, more than 100 volunteers from Honeywell and Cooper High School came together to provide improvements and upgrades at Eileen Weida Park in St. Paul.  The Honeywell volunteers and Cooper High School students spent the day installing new basketball hoops, building a community garden and benches, installing another access point to the park, refilling the sandbox area and performing other landscaping work.

“The City maintains hundreds of parks, and volunteer efforts such as this can take a neighborhood park from good to great,” said Amy Brendmoen, Saint Paul Councilmember, Ward 5. “We are so grateful for the work performed today by our friends at Honeywell and Cooper High.”

Weida Park is located in the Railroad Island neighborhood in St. Paul, designated as the sixth poorest area in Minnesota as indicated by geographic delineation. The City of St. Paul has been working in partnership with the Railroad Island Task Force and East Side Neighborhood Development Company to improve the area and support projects like this one.

This project is the 37th local collaborative project between Honeywell and Rebuilding Together Twin Cities. Honeywell has been a national sponsor for Rebuilding Together since 2003; and to date, approximately 17,500 Honeywell volunteers have repaired more than 500 homes and nonprofit centers in communities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.  We really appreciate the support and hard work of Honeywell and Cooper High School!

Tech Dump Is Coming Here!

Mark your calendar! Bring your old electronics to our office and help raise money to repairs homes through Tech Dump on May 30th! More information is available here.

Thanks for Coming Out for “Townie Tuesday”!

THANK YOU to everyone who came out to “Townie Tuesday”! MidCountry Bank donated $5,000 towards a project they will complete this spring, plus $1,000 raised by their employees.  And, we raised an additional $1,495 through the donations for pints purchased from Lift Bridge Brewing Company, silent auction items and generous individuals who gave to help us help homeowners in need.  We really appreciate the support of MidCountry Bank and Lift Bridge Brewing Company and everyone else that joined us for this event!